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November 1, 2019 Nashville, Tenn.

BNEXTGEN and EHSS plant trees in support of improving the urban canopy in Davidson County

bridgestone employees planting trees

In October BNextGen volunteers joined Bridgestone Americas' Environmental, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHSS) group to plant 80 trees at Nashville's Ravenwood Park alongside Root Nashville. This event was part of a partnership between the Cumberland River Compact and Metro Nashville to improve the urban canopy for Davidson County.

"Our team did a great job coming together to serve the community we work, live and play in by planting trees that will improve Middle Tennessee's urban canopy" said Jim DeMouy, Vice President, Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability for Bridgestone Americas. 

The Root Nashville campaign aims to plant 500k trees across Davidson County by 2050. During this event, all tress planted were native to the area and will improve the habitat for local wildlife, absorb and filter storm water runoff, improve air quality, sequester atmospheric carbon emissions, combat the urban heat island effect, and beautify the local community.

Environment is one of the three Priority Areas under Our Way to Serve that supported with our Environmental Mission Statement states that we will ensure a healthy environment for current and future generations.

The positive impact of the trees planted on our environment and our community will last for decades. This is just one of the many ways Bridgestone employees demonstrate with actions how we serve at Bridgestone.

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